Sunday, April 8, 2012

Get Into That Bikini With Confidence!

The weather's getting nicer, and you know what that means...your winter clothes are coming off, and your tanks and bikinis are coming on! And that’s a good thing, because these five moves will summer-tone you in no time. Jayme Boyle, group fitness director for Equinox gyms,designed a plan to firm up everything you’ve been ignoring all winter. Do this routine three times a week with your regular cardio and you’ll see results in a month!!

Toning Move #1: Tank Top Cross Arm Punch
works shoulders, biceps, triceps
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands in fists by shoulders and elbows by sides. Bend knees and twist torso left as you punch with right arm, as shown. Return to center; repeat on opposite side. Continue punching from side to side for 20 counts, then extend arms out at shoulder height in a T, palms down. Hold for 10 counts; return to start. That’s one set; work up to four sets.

Toning Move #2: Short Shorts Twisting Lunge
works butt, hips, thighs, calves
With feet hip-width apart, squat as if you were to sit in a chair and reach arms overhead, palms in. Hold 10 counts. Then step right foot back into a lunge, twist torso left and reach right hand to floor as you raise left arm up, as shown. Bring right foot forward and switch legs (left hand to floor, right arm up). Do 20 lunges; return to start. That’s one set; work up to three sets

Toning Move #3: Miniskirt Leg Kickback
works butt, hips, hamstrings
On all fours, lift left leg, knee bent, toward ceiling until thigh is parallel to the floor, foot flexed, as shown. Pulse left heel a few inches up and down for 20 counts (it’s a small but effective movement). Then straighten left leg out to the side, toes just skimming the ground and hold for 10 counts. Return to start and switch legs. That’s one set; work up to three set

Toning Move #4: Bare Dress Swim-to-Plank
works chest, arms, back, abs
Lie facedown with arms and legs extended. Lift right arm and left leg off the floor as high as you can, as shown, and lower. Switch sides and repeat for 20 counts, alternating sides the whole time. Then get into plank position (it should look like the top of a push-up: hands under shoulders; body in a straight line from head to heels) and hold for 10 counts. That’s one set; do two sets.

Toning Move #5: Bikini Abs Leg Roll
works upper and lower abs
Lie on your back; hug knees toward chest in a ball, shoulder blades off the floor. Pull belly button toward your spine and extend both legs out as arms reach back overhead, keeping head and shoulder blades off the ground, as shown. Bring knees to chest again, quickly reaching out and in 20 times. Hold ball position for 10 counts. That’s one set; do three sets

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