Friday, February 10, 2012

"No-Workout" Workouts

To all my fellow students out there: we all know it's difficult to fit a workout into our crazy schedules. Not for long! These easy workouts can take you from flab to fab in just a few weeks. Remember, every last bit makes a difference, no matter how small the change. Not everyone has a gym membership or the time to go do a vigorous workout, so these few workouts are just for you!

Toothbrush Squats
1.  Tooth Brush Wall Squats
Instead of standing over the sink for those couple minutes while you're brushing your teeth, try leaning against the nearest wall with your legs extended about shoulder length. Slowly bend your knees, causing yourself to slide down, until you reach a seated position. Start out by holding the squat for 30 seconds (working your way up to one or two minutes) and then come back up for a few seconds to give yourself a break. Now the goal is to do this every time you brush your teeth (so probably twice a day). This is one of the best ways to tone your butt and legs in such a short period of time!

Commercial Break Plank
 2. Commercial Break Plank
Let's be honest, commercials are an excuse to run to the kitchen to get more snacks to nosh on. Not anymore! Use commercial breaks to get your heart rate pumping and your abs burning. As soon as there's a commercial break, using the couch as a stable support (if you don't have a couch you can do the plank on the floor), place your forearms on the arms of the couch and make sure your body is straight, legs about arms width apart, abs tightly engaged. Try to see if you can hold the plank for a full commercial, rest for 20 seconds, then go back to the plank. By the end of a show, you will be feeling fit and fab!

Just Dance!
3. Dance Your Butt Off-- literally!
We all know how to do it, but some of us may not realize just how great dancing is for your body. Next time your at a party or in the city at a club, take all the time you can showing off your moves on that dance floor. Dancing is the ultimate cardio workout, especially when you dance for hours at a time. Make sure you keep your body moving the entire time. If you can get out and dance a couple times a week, your body will be forever grateful! And it's also fun, so that's a definite plus. 

Ride Your Bike to Class
4. Ride Your Bike
Forget the school bus, or driving--instead, start the day off with an energy boost by sneaking a bike workout in on the way to school! Not only will you save a bunch of gas money and energy by biking, but it is one of the best ways to boost your metabolism and tone your entire body. Making this simple change will definitely pay off in the long run. If you don't have a bike, try parking further away so you force yourself to fit in a longer walk to class. One small change at a time will make all the difference.

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